In this teisho, Peggy Metta Roshi takes up case 1 in the Gateless Barrier:
A monk asked Chao-chou, “Does a dog have Buddha nature or not?”
Chao-chou said, “Mu.”
Peggy Metta Roshi comments:
Does the questioner understand what he or she is asking? What is she asking? And how could a single word – Mu – open that door, resolve this monk’s inquiry, and transform his life – and yours, and mine, and all beings’ across time and space? If this whole thing confounds you, then you are approaching it correctly, and you are in the right place.
In this teisho, Karin Ryuku Kempe Roshi presents an old Zen story of Master Ichu (Ikkyu):
A student said to Master Ichu, “Please write for me something of great wisdom.” Master Ichu picked up his brush and wrote one word: “Attention.” The student said, “Is that all?” The master wrote, “Attention. Attention.” The student became irritable. “That doesn’t seem profound or subtle to me.” In response, Master Ichu wrote simply, “Attention. Attention. Attention.” In frustration, the student demanded, “What does this word ‘attention’ mean?” Master Ichu replied, “Attention means attention.”
Karin Roshi comments:
Really, attention forms the backbone of our practice. As we learn more about the benefits of practicing being mindful, we are learning that there are some important aspects to this paying attention. It has to be intentional, not accidental, and therein lies a kind of effort. It needs to be complete, not split by competing mental activity, daydreams or planning. When our attention is complete, our usual habit of dissociation disappears, and all separation from our life evaporates, falls away. Attention becomes the practice of nonduality. In attention, in awareness, we are our life. Our life is us. There is no gap.
Please join Zen Peacemakers International, EON Zen Center and local Dharma center members this Saturday in a Bearing Witness memorial for victims of the tragic shootings in Boulder.
We will sit in silent meditation an hour, ringing a bell for each victim.
Please bring something like a trash bag or tarp (the grass will be damp) a cushion and an open heart.
Saturday, March 27th, 1:00 pm.
Central Park in Boulder just off 13th Street between Arapahoe Ave. and Canyon Blvd.
David Robert Loy is a professor, writer, and Zen teacher in the Sanbo Zen tradition of Japanese Zen Buddhism. Among other books, he is the author of Ecodharma: Buddhist Teachings for the Precipice. He spoke via Zoom with the Zen Center of Denver on how to respond appropriately as Buddhists in the face of overlapping global crises.
Sharp eyes will notice some changes to our website, in style, content and functionality. For technical reasons, we have moved to a new web host and a new, more flexible WordPress theme, which we expect will allow us to considerably expand the site’s functionality in the future. For now, the biggest change is to our calendar, which is more legible than before. In the near future, we expect to also add e-commerce tools to allow us to accept credit cards directly, manage memberships, make one-time donations, give advance payment for workshops and other events, and more.
Please note as well that some areas of the website still need to be updated, in particular our audio archives, and many small details likewise will require some attention. Thank you for your patience as we continue to grow our site, and we hope you enjoy the new look.