The ZCD invites all who are interested in cultivating their own innate wisdom and compassion through the practice of zazen to join our sangha as members. While membership is not required to participate in most events, it does offer a host of benefits, perhaps foremost among them the fostering of dana (selfless giving) and of sangha (community) that occurs when one supports and is supported by a flourishing community of dedicated practitioners.
Other benefits of membership include:
- Dokusan: Dokusan is one-on-one instruction with a Zen teacher, and is invaluable in deepening and strengthening your practice. Really, nothing can replace a relationship with a teacher. While newcomers are welcome to attend dokusan once or twice with our teachers to get a sense of whether it’s for you (and to get a sense of the particular teacher), if you wish to attend dokusan regularly, we ask that you commit to membership.
- Discounted rates: While most of our events are donation-based, our suggested donations are lower for members, and some events with fixed fees (such as certain workshops, especially with guest instructors) have lower rates.
- Voting and Board eligibility: Following a trial period, members can vote in sangha meetings and are eligible to run for our Board of Directors.
- Signups and events: Some events and practice opportunities, such as the solo temple practice we have been offering during the pandemic, are available to members only.
- Communications: Most of our internal communications are provided to members only. Some communication tools, such as our internal listserve, are likewise only available to members.
Members are asked to support our sangha spiritually (through your home practice and participation in zazen and other events), socially (through participation in one of our committees and attendance of workdays and sangha meetings), and financially through a monthly donation.
Our members generally give between $50-$100 per month, with $75/month the amount recommended to meet the Center’s basic expenses. No one is turned away from membership due to financial hardship, but in general we ask that you commit to a monthly donation by way of concretely supporting the community and signaling your desire to remain a member. With that said, the important thing is to participate! If you wish to become a member and are unable to commit to a monthly donation due to financial hardship, please let the office know when you apply.
To apply for membership, please fill out the form below and return it to [email protected]. Once we have received your application, one of our assistant teachers will reach out by phone to welcome you, answer any questions you may have, and help orient you to our sangha and practice. Thank you for your interest in becoming a member, and we look forward to practicing with you!